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3 febbraio 2016, ore 18.15


Sala del Maggior Consiglio


Areti Markopoulou Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalaonia (IAAC), Barcelona, Spagna

Fondazione Palazzo Ducale Genova

Guardarsi intorno, osservare come la natura vive l’ambiente. Studiare i materiali che la natura ci offre e progettarne di nuovi che sappiano adattarsi al luogo dove viviamo e a noi stessi. Inventare nuovi materiali che possano essere programmati per un nuovo modo di vivere e di progettare case e oggetti. Una architettura che si adatta alle circostanze. Una pensilina che cresce a coprire le persone quando piove e si ritrae quando c’e’ il sole. Una casa che usa il vento, il sole e l’acqua per le necssità degi suoi abitanti e..perché no, una casa che cambia con la nostra età, programmata per essere sempre funzionale alle cangianti condizioni di vita.

Areti Markopoulou
is a Greek architect and professor at IaaC, Barcelona. Her research and practice design explores new architectural models investigating applications of ICT, Energy and Fabrication allowing built and public space to dynamically adapt to behavioral and environmental changes over time. She is currently the Academic Director and the R+D department at IaaC in Barcelona as well as the initiator and partner of Fab Lab Athens in Greece. She holds a Bachelor in Architecture & Engineering from DUTH, Greece, an MArch from IaaC and a Fab Academy diploma on Digital Fabrication offered by the MIT CBA and the Fab Lab Network. She is a Phd candidate in the UPC, Barcelona and has published several articles internationally. Co-founder of the Mycity-me non profit organization,her practice includes collaborations with multidisciplinary offices and has collaborated in R+D projects ranging from Intelligent Cities (such as “Smart BCN” at Barcelona City Council, 2013), Self Sufficient Buildings (such as ¨Fab Lab House¨ at Solar Decathlon Europe, 2010), Digital Fabrication (such as ¨Fabrication Laboratory¨ at DHUB, 2010) and the Internet of Things (such as ¨Hyperhabitat¨ at the XI Venice Biennale, 2008).