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Fondazione Palazzo Ducale Genova

New acquisitions at the Wolfsoniana

From November 22nd 2024 curated by Matteo Fochessati and Anna Vyazemtseva The Wolfsoniana opens the new exhibition season and presents the latest acquisitions of the collection: the painting La Madre (1921) by Giovanni Costantini, and two sculptures by Guido Galetti – Giacomino (circa 1922) and Gioiella (1940), received by the Wolfsoniana as a donation from … Continue

Archive Exhibitions

Archive – Wolfsoniana Exhibitions Exhibitions by The Mitchell Wolfson Jr. Collection – Fondazione Regionale C. Colombo


Link The Wolfsonian FIU (Miami Beach, FL) Palazzo Ducale Fondazione per la Cultura (Genova) Galleria d’Arte Moderna (Genova) ICOM-ICDAD (International Committee of Decorative Arts and Design) School of Education Science – University of Genoa Master Degree Course in Science and Technology of Communication and Information – – University of Genoa Museums in the City of Genoa Regione Liguria Galata Museo … Continue

Towards industrial design

In the transportation sector, the transition from mechanised craft production to industrial fabrication, which was not fully completed in Italy until after World War II, is represented in the Wolfsoniana through a group of objects which explore the evolution of transportation in the first half of the twentieth century: the bicycle with its wooden rims … Continue

Futurism and Propaganda

The main fascist iconographic motives interweave with the development of futurist research in the years straddling the two wars and in particular with the Thirties Manifesto of Aeropainting. While the fascist political strategy used classical models in order to emphasize its similarities regime with the Roman Empire, the works of the artists who belonged to the … Continue


The Palazzo degli Uffici Gualino (1928) in Turin is one of the first examples of Rationalist architecture, planned by Giuseppe Pagano and Gino Levi Montalcini. Of the furniture pieces drawn by the two architects only the small arm-chair in buxus remains. It was exhibited at the IV Monza Exhibition in 1930, a show where architecture has a space of its own next to the … Continue


Twentieth Century Art, or rather “Novecento” style, is particularly rich and versatile from an expressive point of view, if it is analyzed within Italian cultural events of the period straddling the two world wars. As from 1922, the year in which Margherita Sarfatti’s artistic movement made its first public manifestation, this style spread and made a name … Continue

Art Deco

The Wolfson collection – the furniture, the metalwork, Gio Ponti’s and Guido Andlovitz’s ceramics and the vase by  La Salamandra of Perugia exhibited in Monza in 1930 – testifies the spread of the Art Deco style in Italy which lasted through the first years of the Thirties. In the attempt to renovate Italian art by means of a direct … Continue

Antonio Rubino

Antonio Rubino (1880-1964), founder of the most famous children’s magazine “Il corriere dei piccoli”, was influenced by the Symbolist circles and by the Art Nouveau, of which he offered a brilliant interpretation in the field of illustrations using later iconographic models, typical of the Art Deco style. He dedicated most of his artistic production to … Continue

Roman School

Duilio Cambellotti is one of the most interesting personalities in the Italian decorative arts scene of the first half of the Twentieth Century. Characterized by a “craftsman” approach, with a strong bent for the integration of different artistic modes, the Roman artist was a painter, sculptor, illustrator, engraver, scenographer and costume designer for the theatre and … Continue

Art Nouveau

The second section of the museum is dedicated to Art Nouveau. A decorative style widespread throughout Europe and the United States between 1890 and the First World War, it presents characteristic peculiarities according to the nations where it developed. In this sense the Wolfsoniana offers an example of Italian Liberty by means of the partial reconstruction of … Continue


The so called Moorish style became popular in Italy in the second half of the Nineteenth Century thanks to the great exhibitions and it spread mainly in places dedicated to entertainment and amusement: grand hotels, bathing establishments, thermal baths, summer arenas. In the abodes of the new rising middle class, the cabinet-makers, besides undertaking the realization of neo … Continue


Wolfsoniana is the place where the selected objects of the Wolfson collection find their expositive place. The visitor who walks throuh furnitures, paintings and furnishings taht aere exposed, feels the taste of time and the importance of themes that Micky Wolfson wants to emphasize through his collection. The arrangement of Wolfsoniana follows a chronological/thematical address. Beside … Continue


E. Torelli Landini, Attilio Calzavara. Works and commissions of an anti-fascist designer, The Wolfsonian Foundation, Miami Beach, Amalthea, Fiesole, 1994, pp. 174, illustrated, English text, euro 26 S. Barisione, M. Fochessati, G. Franzone, La Collezione Wolfson. Aspetti dell’arte italiana tra le due guerre, (The Wolfson Collection. Features of Italian art between the two wars), exhibition catalogue, Palazzo Ducale, … Continue