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Fondazione Palazzo Ducale Genova

The Wolfson Collection Study Centre was established in 1993, when the Collection had its first primary location in via Asilo Garbarino in Genoa.

The Study Centre, now in Palazzo Ducale, is aimed for study, research, conservation, publication, promotion, and valorisation of the materials of the Collection and, more generally, of the arts and culture of the period between the last decades of the nineteenth century and the first half of the twentieth century.

The Study Centre keeps the Collection Library and the Architecture and Decorative Arts Archives of the Collection, as well as the works, which for reasons of space, conservation or alternating exhibitions do not find a place in the museum or in the depositary. For example, materials on paper (drawings, sketches, architectural drawings, posters, books, magazines, etc.) can only be displayed for short periods of time, as they are extremely sensitive to light and therefore easily perishable.

The conservation and research activity are led by the curator of the Collection, Matteo Fochessati, author together with Gianni Franzone of most of the catalogues of the exhibitions promoted by the Wolfson Collection.

Students, scholars and researchers can access the Study Centre (by appointment) to view the objects of the Wolfson Collection, the library and the archives in line with the purposes of the Collection itself: the most complete documentation of a historical period through its works and objects.

Quaderni della Wolfsoniana, publications, interniship, partnership


Palazzo Ducale Fondazione per la Cultura,
Piazza Matteotti 9, 16123 Genova 


tel: 010 8171653/4 – fax: 010 8171601


Wolfsoniana Curator
Matteo Fochessati

Wolfsoniana Assistant Curator
Anna Vyazemtseva