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Fondazione Palazzo Ducale Genova

Impression, Morisot

Doge’s Apartmentfrom 12 october 2024 to 23 February 2025 In April 1874, Berthe Morisot partecipade alongside Claude Monet, Edgar Degas, Paul Cézanne, Pierre Auguste Renoir, Camille Pissarro and Alfred Sisley in a collective exhibition featuring painters, sculptors, engravers and other artists. The event was organized independently of the official Salon, in the former studio of … Continue

Lisetta Carmi

Incredibly close, extremly far from 23 October 2024 to 23 March 2025, Sottoporticato If they ask me ‘who taught you how to take photographs?’ I reply, “Life.” On the 100th anniversary of Lisetta Carmi’s birth, Palazzo Ducale presents a major exhibition of the Genoese artist and photographer, who throughout her life had the courage to … Continue


Modernity of a feeling In 1688, the student of Alsatian origin Johannes Hofer graduated in medicine in Basel, with a thesis on a hitherto ignored illness, for which he coined a new definition – merging to words of Greek origin nostos (return) and algos (pain or sadness) – Nostalgia, or rather the «sadness generated by … Continue

Calvino Cantafavole

Palazzo Ducale, Loggia degli Abati Palazzo Ducale, Comune di Genova and Regione Liguria presents a tribute to Italo Calvino, as part of the cultural initiatives of Genoa Italian Book Capital 2023 and of the Celebrations for the centenary of his birth, coordinated by the Committee set up for the occasion by the Italian Ministry of … Continue

Letizia Battaglia It’s me

Letizia Battaglia It’s meSottoporticato, fino al 1° novembre 2023 Today’s role of Letizia Battaglia in the history of international photography has an immense value. In Une histoire mondiale des femmes photographes, by Luce Lebart and Marie Robert, Laetitia Guillemin recalls Letizia Battaglia especially when she was working for L’Ora, the Palermo daily newspaper, during the … Continue

5 minuts with van Gogh

face to face with a masterpiece In the summer of 2020, after the difficult months of lockdown and social distancing made necessary by the Covid-19 pandemic, Palazzo Ducale in collaboration with Arthemisia and the Musée Marmottan Monet in Paris worked a small miracle for its visitors – enabling them to experience direct contact with a … Continue

Man Ray. Opere 1912 – 1975

11 March – 9 July 2023Doge’s Apartment The exhibition entitled “Man Ray. Opere 1912 – 1975” pays tribute to the work of the great master Emmanuel Radnitzky, aka Man Ray, who was born in Philadelphia in 1890 and died in Paris in 1976. He has gone down in history as one of the greatest photographers … Continue

Sabine Weiss

The poetry of the istant Sabine Weiss, who recently passed away at the age of 97, was the doyenne of French humanist photography, which brought together photographers such as Robert Doisneau, Willy Ronis, Edouard Boubat or Brassaï. She was one of the women photographers worldwide whose career covered the longest timespan.  Born Sabine Weber in … Continue


 At Palazzo Ducale in Genoa from October 14th, 2022 to April 2nd, 2023  Enchanting the audience by telling timeless stories is considered a true art. However, behind the typical immediacy of the perfect artistic result lies – as it is often the case in the art world – a years-long creative research work, generally unknown … Continue

Rubens a Genova

Rubens a Genova I have been several times in Genoa, and remain on very intimate terms with several eminent personages in that republic” P.P. Rubens, 1628 When Rubens departed for Italy, on the 9th of May 1600, he was not yet 23 years old. However, it is likely that he reached that age during the … Continue

Tina Modotti

Women, Mexico and freedomLoggia degli Abati Tina Modotti, an Italian photographer, activist and actress, has left an indelible mark on the history of contemporary photography.Her famous shots, which make up the collections of the most important museums in the world, are the symbol of an emancipated and modern woman, whose photographic art is inextricably linked … Continue

Pier Paolo Pasolini

Pier Paolo PasoliniNon mi lascio commuovere dalle fotografie30 novembre 2021 – 13 marzo 2022Loggia degli Abati This exhibition is being held to commemorate the centenary of Pasolini’s birth in Bologna in 1922. It takes us along a path of recollection that enables us to explore and gain a closer understanding of the artist and his … Continue


Masterpieces from Musée Marmottan Monet Paris Palazzo Ducale hosts masterpieces from the leading exponent of Impressionism. Showcasing his entire artistic arc, the fifty Monet masterpieces from the Musée Marmottan Monet in Paris on display here are among the best-known of the impressionist matester’s works. They are the pieces Monet cared most about, “his” works, the … Continue

Italy of Magnum

6 May – 18 July 2021 An intense account of the history, life­style and culture of Italy since WWII is told through the eyes of the photogra­phers of Magnum Photos – the most important photo agency in the world. Starting with a tribute to its three founders (Henri Cartier-Bresson, Rob­ert Capa, and David Seymour) and … Continue

Michelangelo divine artist

More than four-and-a-half centuries after Michelangelo Buonarroti’s death on 18 February 1564, his art and, even more so, his life remain a source of wonder and admiration.Everything about him seems to have been prodigious, even to his contemporaries: his precocious talent, his multidisciplinary skill as sculptor, painter, architect and poet and the superlative quality of … Continue