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Fondazione Palazzo Ducale Genova

Founders, Participants and Supporters

Founder are the Municipality of Genoa and the Liguria Region. The Foundation has the following organs:

Art. 3 Aims and purpose of the Foundation

“The Foundation, a centre of developing ideas and cultural production, has the aim of cultural promotion, promoting, implementing and participating in cultural, artistic and social initiatives and events located in and with relevance on the locale and/or national or international level, likewise activating forms of collaboration with other public or private subjects. The Foundation promotes the cultural growth of the local community, also in order to contribute to the social and economic development of the territory of Genoa and Liguria. By working on the local, national and international level and pursuing the goals of efficacy and efficiency, the Foundation highlights the value of the local cultural heritage, both tangible and intangible, in accordance and in continuity with the history of the community. The Foundation stimulates and supports cultural innovation and creativity, favouring and facilitating the right to culture and the participation of all the citizens, in particular young people, promoting a creative and inter-cultural city, in collaboration with the Municipality of Genoa and the Liguria Region, the educational and training system and with other public and private entities, in accordance with the tools for local planning and development. The Foundation, operating in cultural sector, develops and consolidates the image of Genoa and Liguria on the national and international level, collaborating with public and private entities. The Foundation promotes coordinated cultural programming, aimed at the creation of national and international networks between institutions and other public and private entities.”