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Fondazione Palazzo Ducale Genova

Antonio Rubino (1880-1964), founder of the most famous children’s magazine “Il corriere dei piccoli”, was influenced by the Symbolist circles and by the Art Nouveau, of which he offered a brilliant interpretation in the field of illustrations using later iconographic models, typical of the Art Deco style.

He dedicated most of his artistic production to the world of children as is shown in the room designed in 1921 for his companion-in-arms Commendator Giani from Busto Arsizio. The furniture is linear and the decorations appear uniform both in the painted panels and in the furnishings. Among these, two small anthropomorphically shaped chairs stand out.

Antonio Rubino, Il bimbo cattivo, 1921 c.
Antonio Rubino, Sedia, 1921 c.
